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Author Archives: Site Administrator

2013 Veterans Day Luncheon

2013 Veterans Day Luncheon

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

At our Veterans Day Luncheon, held on November 7, 2013, Major (P) Kevin C. Frein, Command Judge Advocate for U.S. Forces Garrison Command, gave a powerful presentation entitled “Judge Advocates in a Combat Zone: Leadership By Example.”

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Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy in the Middle District of Florida

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

See attached letter and new policy affecting lawyers’ use and possession of cell phones and electronic devices in federal courthouses throughout the Middle District, including the Jacksonville Division. Letter and Policy-Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

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Nimmons Seminar 2013

Nimmons Seminar 2013

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

On April 18, 2013, the Federal Bar Association, Jacksonville Chapter hosted the 10th Annual Nimmons Federal Practice Seminar.

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Lunch with State Court Judges

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

The Federal Bar Association was pleased to host a lunch on January 23, 2013 to welcome the state court judges to the neighborhood.

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Fall Luncheon

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

On October 28, 2010, U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Jeff Rohrer discussed the role of polygraph examinations in today’s legal environment. Special Agent Rohrer included a special demonstration of a polygraph examination, with our own Michael Fackler as the “volunteer” participant.

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The Investiture of the Honorable Joel Toomey

The Investiture of the Honorable Joel Toomey

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

The Honorable Joel Toomey became our newest Magistrate Judge in the Jacksonville Division of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on Friday, September 27, 2010. Our chapter co-hosted the reception that followed the investiture.

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Constitution Day Luncheon 2010

Constitution Day Luncheon 2010

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

On September 17, 2010, the Jacksonville Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida’s Open Doors to Courts Program co-hosted a luncheon to celebrate the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. Hank Coxe of the Bedell Firm presented a program during which… Read More »

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Portrait Unveiling for The Honorable Henry Lee Adams, Jr.

Portrait Unveiling for The Honorable Henry Lee Adams, Jr.

By Jacksonville Federal Court Bar Association |

The Portrait Ceremony for The Honorable Henry Lee Adams, Jr. was held at the U.S. Federal Courthouse on April 9, 2010.

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