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Human Trafficking presentation by Jacksonville University College of Law Prof. Alexandra Yelderman

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Noon—1:00 p.m.

Learn more about human trafficking, and the role of online platforms. In April 2018, the Federal government shut down the website Backpage.com and charged its owners with facilitating prostitution. The Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) was signed into law just two days later, increasing websites’ civil liability for certain user-generated content. Six years later, these efforts to hold intermediaries accountable seem to have had little impact on trafficking. They have, however, fundamentally changed the battle against it. We will discuss the events leading up to the 2018 legal reforms, what the reforms meant, and tackle the question of why more legal liability for platforms has quite possibly led to more trafficking. We will also hear about human trafficking investigations using online platforms from current local investigators. This luncheon is free for members and will be in the jury assembly room of the Bryan Simpson U.S. Courthouse. You can register on our website or by emailing Maria Daniels, admin@jaxfedbar.org. Please be sure to note if you have any special dietary needs.

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